What's the Word? | Biblical Wisdom for Everyday Living
“What’s the Word?” comes alongside you to examine a single word taken from the Bible to help you understand both more clearly. With each episode our goal is to help you strengthen your spiritual growth and development by learning new ways to study and understand what the Bible actually says so you can accurately comprehend the Word of God, and be transformed by it.
19 episodes
EPISODE 19 | Faith – Trusting the Heart of God (Guest: April Dawn White)
Although she is no longer a medical pharmacist, Dr. April Dawn White now considers herself a spiritual pharmacist, dispensing hope to those in need. Listen as she shares candidly about how she learned to trust God during the times when both her...

18 | 2024 Year in Review
The inaugural season of What's the Word? has come to a successful close, and it's only fitting to celebrate the words and the guests that made 2024 such a memorable year. Enjoy this special episode! Episodes &...

17 | Wholeness – You Are Enough in Christ (Guest: Alicia Perkins)
Alicia Perkins joins us in this episode to teach and encourage us about living in wholeness. You will learn from this executive leadership coach and Pastor’s wife what wholeness is and what it is not. You’ll also come to understand that there’s...

16 | Peace – Abiding in the Presence and Favor of God (Guest: Kratai Albert)
Kratai Albert grew up in a Buddhist household, but at the age of 10, she had a supernatural experience with Jesus and knew she belonged to Him. Her journey in growing in Christ took some unconventional and stressful turns, but through it all Kr...

15 | Hope – Trusting in the Character of God (Guest: Ushirika Johnson)
Have you ever struggled with feelings of hopelessness? Most, if not all, of us have at some point in our lives. With personal stories and a Biblical foundation, Licensed Professional Counselor Ushirika Johnson helps us understand what hope is a...

14 | Life – Leaning on Christ in Every Circumstance (Guest: LaQuinta Pollard)
Life happens—the good, the bad, and the ugly. How does one answer the demands of life without losing themselves in the process? LaQuinta Pollard found that a loving community, honesty with herself, and transparency with others are the things th...

13 | Create – Reflecting God's Nature (Guest: Alicia Terry)
Alicia Terry is a creator. In this episode, she answers questions from friends about what it means to create, how it’s helped to refine her Christian walk, the spiritual challenges she faced in the creative process, and more.Highlight...

12 | Redemption–The Saving Grace of God to Transform Your Life (Guest: Dr. Darlene Ephriam)
Dr. Darlene Ephriam’s life went from rejection to rehabilitation and ultimately to redemption more than 30 years ago. What could have easily been a life of substance abuse and broken relationships became so much more. By accepting the finished ...

11 | Healed: Trusting God for Healing (Guest: Jennifer Elwood)
Receiving healing is not always the easiest thing to obtain. Doubt in your mind and even in the minds of others makes it a challenge. So, how do you move beyond doubt to trust God for healing? Faith and understanding the power of the...

10 | Justified – How to be in Right Standing with God (Guest: Cindy Rudin)
Sharing from her Jewish and Christian background, hear what Cindy Rudin has to say about becoming justified and forgiven, and the things she learned about herself and Jesus along the way. (Note: For more about the l...

9 | Unforgiveness – A Slave Master No More (Guest: Dr. Lisa Dorsey)
Unforgiveness is damaging to our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits. To get free from this terrible taskmaster, we have to get back to the Word and see what God has to say about it. There’s freedom in forgiveness and Dr. Lisa Dorsey shares with ...

8 | Faithful – God Picks Up the Scattered Pieces (Guest: Jackie Edwards)
To know the faithfulness of God is to experience Him during the highs and lows of life. Hear Jackie Edwards explain how her understanding of the word “faithful” was tested and how she was able to overcome some very trying times, and why, today,...

7 | Forgiveness – Wanting More and Getting More (Guest: Sherry Kleinert)
What is it like to forgive someone in words only but not with the heart? Has it ever happened to you? It happened to Sherry Kleinert, and she decided to do something about it. Let her story be the catalyst you need to forgive.Highligh...

6 | Love – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a: What Love Does and Doesn't’ Do (Guest: Annie Weber)
What is real love? Annie Weber shares with listeners what she discovered about it. Learn how this revelation is shaping her life and influencing her relationships for the better, and how the same can be true for you.Highlights:

5 | Unfaithful – Breaking Covenant: Caught in Spiritual Adultery (Guest: Michelle Layer Rahal)
The word unfaithful is not a pleasant one, and it doesn’t travel alone. Once discovered, pain, hurt, anger, sadness, and even destruction often become its journey companions. In view of this, Michelle Layer Rahal helps us understand the full im...

4 | Grateful – Learning to be Grateful in All Things (Guest: Heather Robinson)
It’s easy to have an attitude of gratitude when things are going well, but what happens when things are not? Heather Robinsion, M.ed, shares what the word grateful truly means as well as the importance of having a grateful heart no matter what ...

3 | Transformed (Part 2) – Is Transformation a Finished Work or Ongoing? (Guest: Antoinette Riley)
Transformation is a process. It can be a challenging experience, but one well worth the ups and downs to discover the person God is fashioning you to be. In this two-part episode, Antoinette Riley shares her understanding, struggles and victori...

2 | Transformed (Part 1) – Is Transformation a Finished Work or Ongoing? (Guest: Antoinette Riley)
Transformation, even though it can be a challenging experience, its ups and downs are necessary to discover the person God is fashioning you to be. In this two-part episode, Antoinette Riley shares her understanding, struggles and victories of ...